Insider’s Blog: Experimental Cinema at VIFF

By Adam Cook

For the more daring and adventurous audiences, this year VIFF has a handful of cutting edge works of art from around the world that challenge our preconceptions of filmmaking, oftentimes expanding just what a movie can be. Here are some films that colour outside the lines:

The Sky Trembles and the Earth is Afraid and the Two Eyes Are Not Brothers (DIR: Ben Rivers)

This film dares to be different by playing on 35mm!


 Topophilia (DIR: Peter Bo Rappmund)


Night Without Distance (DIR: Lois Patino)

Screens before Topophilia at the festival.


 The Forbidden Room (DIR: Guy Maddin)

ForbiddenRoomThe_2015 (1)

The Exquisite Corpus (DIR: Peter Tscherassky)

Screens before Love Is All: 100 Years of Love & Courtship at the festival.


 Dead Slow Ahead (DIR: Mauro Herce)


Follow Adam on Twitter: @AdamCook

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