Extraordinary Places & Amazing Visions

Same planet, different worlds!
Same planet, different worlds!

One of the huge pleasures of film festivals is the ability to travel the world through cinema and to discover extraordinary places and ways of living. Same planet, different worlds!

These 6 upcoming VIFF films transport us to the ends of the earth, providing huge pleasure simply ‘being’ in amazing seascapes or landscapes.

Seeing them on a small screen is not an option! Click here to watch the trailers:

1. Amazôniahttp://bit.ly/Amazonia3DTrailer
2. Walking Under Water – http://bit.ly/WUTWTrailer
3. Goodbye to Languagehttp://bit.ly/GBTLTrailer
4. Yakonahttp://bit.ly/Yakona
5. Parasite (Huba) – http://bit.ly/HubaFilm
6. Meat and Milk (De chair et de lait)

For a full description of each of the films visit http://archive.viff.org/e-blasts/viff/2014/Aug19extraordinaryplaces.html

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